Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Racism Vid

'Nother vid for your enjoyment. It = teh pwnage. Have fun!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Just 2 Guyz

Here's the Second video I made for TPR. It had to be a music video, so I just used one of Andy Samberg's old sketch comedy group's songs, and basically copied the video. It was a grand time.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


George was all, "Start a blog," and I was like, "........Okay." So, here it is. Any work I get done will get posted here, eventually. I'm in Television Production and Game Design, so expect some videos and my final flash game to be up here. Next semester I have Type Design, so I should be posting more frequently then.
So, here is my first video that I made in TPR, it's a stop motion video.

Callan just gave me a bucket of Lego, I did what I could. Enjoy!